Death by accident on Wye Bridge 1929 (General)

by Paul Andrews @, Shropshire, England, Friday, May 08, 2015, 19:04 (3590 days ago) @ HarryBrook

Western Daily Press, Bristol, Saturday, April 6, 1929


Chepstow Bridge Fatality Caused by Bad Lighting

The recent fatal accident at the Gloucestershire approach to the Chepstow footbridge, where a woman was crushed against the railing by a motor-car and hurled into the River Wye, was investigated by Colonel Fothergill Evans and a jury at Chepstow yesterday. The deceased was Mrs Evelyn Jones, and it will be recalled that two brothers, Arthur and Norman James, risked their lives in an attempt to save the woman when they saw her body in the river. One jumped into the Wye and swam to the body, while the other waded in from the side and helped to bring it to the bank.
In reply to questions, Mr Jones, the husband, said he knew of no danger until struck, and did not leave the pavement.
Charles Henry Vick, a motor driver, said that on 13th March he saw Mr and Mrs Jones walking on the pavement arm in arm. Immediately afterwards he saw a motor-car coming down the Gloucester Road. It had fairly good lights and witness estimated its speed at about 20 miles an hour. After passing him it met the pavement and crashed into the railings.
The Coroner: What about Mrs Jones?-Witness: I did not see her.
If a car was coming down at 20 miles, don't you consider that too fast?-Yes, but I think the main cause of the accident was the poor lighting on the bridge.
Albert E Page, another motor-driver, of Tutshill, said that after the accident one of the rear wheels of the car was hanging over the bridge and the front was lying against a lamp standard.
Asked by the Coroner if he thought 20 miles an hour too fast to take the corner at the bottom, witness replied in the affirmative.

A Dangerous Bridge

Mr N. Howell (for the driver): What is your opinion of the bridge in its present unlighted condition?-I should say it is dangerous.
Do you think a car would have any difficulty in negotiating this bridge if it was properly lighted?-No.
Clifford Jackson (17), of Rumney, the driver of the car, said that he slowed down at the approach to the bridge to between 10 and 12 miles, and noticed two persons. The man was partially in the road, and as he got near Mr Jones he tried to pull his wife with him further into the road. They hesitated and he tried to avoid them by turning to the left and jammed on his brakes, but it was too late and he crashed into them. He could have done nothing more to avoid the accident.
The Coroner: I put it to you that you failed to get across the bridge because you were going too fast around the corner?-I slowed down.
P. S. Beale said that he thought that an illuminated warning sign at the approach to the bridge would be an advantage, and the lighting arrangements could also be improved.
Dr. C. C. B. Thompson gave the cause of death as shock due to severe injuries, and accelerated by immersion in the river.

Driver's Employers Censured

The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death." The driver was exonerated from blame, but the jury asked the Coroner to censure the employers, Messrs Hinton and Britton, of Cardiff, for sending a lad of so little experience on such a long night journey.
They also recommended the erection of a luminous danger sign at the Gloucestershire approach to the footbridge, and commended the bravery of Mr Arthur James and his brother.

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