by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Sunday, January 17, 2016, 23:56 (3326 days ago) @ sidtoomey01

I wonder:-

BNA Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier - Monday 19 February 1866

HIBERNIAN HOTEL, 108, OLD GEORGE’S STREET. (Corner of Winthrop Street Cork). WILLIAM TOOMEY, Proprietor (late House Steward of the Royal Cork Yacht Club, Queenstown, and formerly for many years Officers’ Mess Sergeant 2nd Battalion 1st Royal Regiment) begs to inform his numerous Friends and the Public that the above Establishment has undergone extensive alterations and improvements, which have rendered it replete with every comfort, and is now under his own immediate management. Visitors may rely on the utmost attention and cleanliness, with moderate charges. This old established Hotel is very desirably situated for the accommodation of commercial gentlemen, private families, and tourists, being in the most central part of the city. Beds, with attendance, 2s. per night. A Night Porter is in attendance. The Proprietor also begs to announce that he has opened to the public a Refreshment room facing Old George’s-street, front entrance, for Soups, Oysters, and Dinners (Daily) from Hot Joints, with Vegetables from 2 to 5 p.m. Suppers also if required, all at moderate charges. W. T. begs to assure the Public that all his Wines, Spirits, Ales, &c., will be of the very choicest description as he is determined to keep the best only. Attendance charges in the bills at very moderate rates. N.B.—Observe Hibernian Hotel.

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