DANIELL alias MALSON - Rodley, Westbury on Severn (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Friday, July 15, 2016, 13:03 (3146 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Men in Armour for Gloucester 1608

Westbury on Severn (RODLEY)

Surname: MALSON

John A40 lower stature = (c1568)
Thomas - butcher - A20 lower stature = (c1588)
Richard - husbandman - A20 middle stature
Robert - brother of Richard - A20 - lower stature
John - son of Thomas - sailor - A20 - lower stature
Thomas - son of John - senior -A 20 - lower stature
Harry PARRY servant to Thomas MALSON - butcher A40 - lower stature

(Richard & Robert are brothers both aged around 20)
Thomas aged around 40 and Thomas around 20 are butchers)
Thomas aged around 20 is the son of John aged around 40)

Westbury on Severn (Adcet part of the manor or Rodley)

Surname: MALSON

Thomas - husbandman - A40 - tallest stature


Katheryn MALSON married Samuel BURDE - 27 November 1608

and Men in Armour lists

Westbury on Severn (Rodley)

Samuell BYRD - Weaver A40 Lower stature


There is a previous thread re: hutts farm (in November 2013)

'Rodley was not just a hamlet within Westbury parish, but a tithing, and part of the much larger manor of Rodley, so pinning its location down may not be straightforward. The 1697 document referred to is a renewal of a 1665 lease made as a marriage

Marriage settlement upon Stephen MALSON and Mary LAUNDER. Possibly the earlier document will have a more detailed description of the location'.

The National Archives (A2A)

Reference: DL 4/32/16

Description: Short title: PAYNER v DANIEL

Plaintiffs: PAYNTER

Defendants: Daniell alias MALSON and others
Documents: depositions concerning Rodley, Gloucestershire. 32 Eliz

Date: 1589-1590

Held by: The National Archives Kew

Legal status: Public Record(s)

Language: English

Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

(so we have an ALIAS) and the Forest of Dean records have earlier DANIEL's and variations of this surname at Westbury on Severn

and possible famly christians names under DANIELs i.e. Kathryn, Robert, John, Richard etc.


Using the Advance search and just put ALIAS in the child's SURNAME baptism - there are 7 pages of different alias' and 10 pages of ALIAS for burials.


Men in Armour

Westbury on Severn (RODLEY)


John A40 - tallest stature
Thomas - senior - Sailor A60 - middle stature
Thomas - A40 - junior son of Thomas - middle stature

A Katheryn DANIEL married Richard LAWNDER 7 January 1581 and later on (as above) Stephen MALSON married Mary LAUNDER - (?keeping land in the family)


Gloucestershire Records Office earliest wills for

Richard DANIELL - 1546 Westbury on Severn Rodley
Ellen DANYELL -1559 - Widow - Westbury on Severn


Glos St Nicholas 24 October 1676

Richard MALSON married Elizabeth DANIELL

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