PRITCHARD Family - Blaize Bailey (General)

by Tina HM, Tuesday, August 29, 2017, 18:29 (2736 days ago) @ Bonnie

Hi Bonnie,

My Great Grandmother x 4 was Jane Pritchard who was born in Builth, Brecon in 1838, she married James Brown and lived in Rangoon, India for a while having her daughter Fanny Brown there in 1857 who then married John Thomas Thompson and they had my Great gran x2 Jane Thompson. She had a sister called Elvina who to our family was known as a Romany Gypsy. There are also other Romany names in the family such as Rosina, Lily. She was very dark skinned and looked like an Indian Squaw. I know that Pritchard is a Romany name and in wales and I am wondering as we seem to be talking about the same family, you have any further info on this? They travelled around a lot, I have Builth, Llanelly, Blaine Bailey, Lyndsey, Dursley. My branch of the family settled in Bristol.

Any help would be great, thanks.

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