Newland parish records (General)

by llangrove, Wednesday, August 01, 2007, 18:16 (6420 days ago)

Several years ago, FoDFH lister "M.G." kindly provided me with the following info:

" December 22, 1793, Thomas Hawkins married Elizabeth Stephens at Newland."
I later confirmed this info on the LDS site, but of course have been waiting for the parish records, on this site, to verify.

Am I correct in thinking that all the records for Newland, except two groups, have already been posted? If that is correct, can someone please tell me what happened to the records that include the year, 1793?

Maybe I really don't want to know...could be the same scenario as (?) the courthouse that burned and all early records destroyed or circuit rider preacher who lost the registers...oh the heartbreak of genealogy!!!


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