WELCOME BACK! (Announce)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, May 08, 2016, 18:51 (3230 days ago)

We are sorry that the site has been down for a few days and for being unable to get a message online to let you all know what was happening.

So that you are fully in the picture the site became the target of a person or persons unknown who made a considerable number of attempts (thousands!) to access the site’s administration pages thus creating a lot of traffic and putting the server under severe pressure. This resulted in our Hosts taking the site offline to protect it and also to protect other users on the server. After some investigation and discussion we decided to take the opportunity to change to an upgraded server as this will give us more flexibility and lessen the likelihood of this happening again.

Needless to say the events of the past few days have resulted in a considerable amount of time and effort by us and our hosts and upgrading the server is resulting in an increase in costs. Your donations therefore continue to be very welcome.

It is perhaps an opportune time to say that whilst our contribution to the Forum in recent times has somewhat lessened there are things going on the background and in particular we are conducting a thorough review and audit of the Parish Register database. This is already proving to be a valuable exercise and once completed we will let you know.

Finally we thank you for your patience over recent days and for your continued support.


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