by izzy @, Thursday, May 21, 2020, 12:54 (1756 days ago) @ admin

I was very sad to see this announcement, I too missed the announcement at Christmas time.

This website has been invaluable to me when researching my Forest of Dean family tree, and I would be very sad to see it shut down.
Being housebound and too unwell to get to the Gloucester records offices, I am dependent on online research the majority of the time. This website was the only way I could look up the Gloucestershire parish records for a long time, and I would have been stuck without it.

I would be very happy to try and help out in some way or to donate to the running of the site...

Could someone from admin please post what help is needed and how to volunteer please? Hopefully something can be done to save this wonderful site.

I wondered having just joined the Facebook group on old industry and history in the FOD whether there is a similar Facebook group for this site?
And if not maybe this would be something to look into? Linking the website and Facebook group may increase the footfall of younger researchers to the website and possibly get more help with the running of the site?

Izzy :)

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