William CARTER born Arlingham about 1641 (Parish Records)

by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 16:53 (897 days ago) @ Susan_King

On the net

Men in Armour for Gloucestershire 1608 Coaley.net.

Arlingham (Gloucester)


Thomas Carter, Weaver, A20 meanest stature
Giles Carter, Yeoman, A40 middle stature, trained subsidy man
Richard Carter A20 lower stature
Margaret Carter subsidy man widow has a musket and a caliver furnished
Thomas Carter servant to the said Richard Fryer. A20 meanest stature
Danyell Nurse servant to Gyles Carter A20 lower stature


A20 age 20+
A40 age 40+

Tallest stature recommended for use of Pike
Medium stature recommended for use of Musket
Shortest stature recommended for use of Calyver


This is useful ie occupation, height etc.

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