Tom Clarke PREECE born 1862 Bream (General)

by whispernomore @, Saturday, April 15, 2023, 11:38 (697 days ago) @ whispernomore

As requested the marriages of Harriets children to the best of my knowledge.

Leonard BALDWIN married Alice Gammond and as you have found out there was no father named for Leonard.

Gertie(Gertrude) BALDWIN 1904-1959 was never married and at various times worked in service with her sister Nora.
Bertha BALDWIN b.1901 I have been unable to find very little about her and as yet no sign of any marriage other than one with a father named John, her age would be correct as would the church of the Holy Trinity Dean Forest. However with the numerous Baldwins in the Forest, also one of the witnesses is Catherine Baldwin which is not a name that has cropped up previously.

Edith BALDWIN who married Tom Clarke PREECE once again named her father as Geoge Baldwin who was in fact her grandfather.

Nora BALDWIN (my grandmother) married Albert MORGAN in Llanishen Glamorganshire on August 2nd 1920 in the Parish Church. Family lore states they ran away to marry and must have been in Llanishen for 4 weeks as the banns were read. The address for both on the marriage certificate was the same for both.
However, though we have Alberts name we do not know where he came from or if any of his information is indeed correct. I say this because Nora gave her age incorrectly presumably so that she didn't need parental permission she was born 1900. She also names her grandfather George as her father the same as Edith had done. (It is possible they all thought as him as their father but more likely did so to simply have a name on the certificate)According to my records George died in 1926. Both Nora and Albert stated that their fathers were deceased.
As I say there are far too many discrepancies on the marriage certificate to know what to believe.

I have no information on Albert MORGAN because due to family lore, she left him more or less straight after the wedding and returned home to Lydb and it was only after pressure from Noras brothers that they got back together if only briefly. My father was born in 1925 but never knew his father and it's more than possible Albert never knew he had a son.

Mary Rhoda BALDWIN married Ernest William Pritchard SALMON in 1924 again I do not have their marriage certificate so do not know if she named a father.

William BALDWIN married Doris May DAVIES 1934 again I haven't found a marriage certificate for this to see if any father mentioned.

Stanley BALDWIN died at 16months so never reached marrige age.

Apologies for all the confusing information I will try to see if I can get hold of the wedding certificates for those unknown.

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