Croft Worgan DEW Yorkshire to Poolway House 1828 - 1889 (General)

by anthonyworgan @, Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 13:03 (561 days ago) @ slowhands

Croft Worgan Dew married 17 Oct 1852 Catherine Anne Kenyon Copperthwaite (1829-1899) at Old Malton parish church, Yorkshire - details on Ancestry

In my copy of Coleford, The History of a West Gloucestershire Forest Town by Cyril Hart, it mentions a Colonel Worgan who saved the life of Charles 1 at the battle of Edge Hill in 1642.
This Colonel was claimed to be an ancestor of Croft Worgan Dew and his initials M.E.W. (Morgan E Worgan) are supposed to be carved above one of the fireplaces in Poolway House (later the Hotel).

Unfortunately, I have searched for many years but have never discovered any 'Morgan E. Worgan' in official documents to verify this tradition.

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