Harry William WILLIAMS born in London about 1894 (Urgent)

by MARTINDWIL, Wednesday, December 20, 2023, 10:38 (448 days ago)

I am trying to learn more about my Grandfather Harry William WILLIAMS.

In 1901 Harry is recorded as being born in London in approximately 1894. He is 7 years old and living as the adopted son of Joseph (62) and Ann Parker (58) of Harry Hill, East Dean. The household also includes two grandsons Allen (16) and Frank (14).

In 1911 Harry still lives with Ann Parker (Joseph died in 1910) and Frank. He's employed at the pits mouth at Crump Meadows colliery.

On 17th August 1920 Harry buys Ivy House from George Parker (Joseph and Ann’s youngest son) for £150 minus a £20 legacy under the will of Mrs Parker.

On 26th March 1921 Harry (26) married Daisy Meek (28) at Holy Trinity Church. Daisy is the daughter of Jonah and Elizabeth Meek of Morse Road, East Dean.

In 1921 Harry is employed by the Harrow Hill Colliery Company.

In 1922 Daisy gives birth to William closely followed by Donald. In November 1924 my father Harold was born.

Sometime after 1927 Harry et al relocate to Coventry. Harry finds work as a labourer at Wilson’s Gas Meter Works, Folehill and the family settle in Baginton. A fourth child Jean was born in April 1931.

Sadly, on 3rd October 1935 Harry is killed in a tragic industrial accident. His grisly death, subsequent inquest on 4th October and well-attended funeral on 7th October make headlines in the local newspapers.

I would like to understand when and why Mr & Mrs Parker adopted Harry, and if possible, his birth parent’s names. Any facts, clues or tips about how to continue my research would be greatly appreciated.

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