Florence Eveline Mason (General)

by Mac74, Thursday, January 18, 2024, 16:18 (419 days ago)

Hi All
Havent posted for a long tims just trying to tie up some loose ends up regarding my Forest ancestors if i can !
My Grt Gran was Florence Evelin Mason daughter of Noah she married Edward John Jones in Gwent recently speaking to my Dad whos in his 80s he was told that either Florence or her Mother were born out of wedlock and took Mason surname? Is only way to prove this via birth certs ot wedding certs?
Another thing he was told that either on jis Masons or Tippins one of our line married a 1st cousin who died and then remarried her sister ? He beleaves they were both stated as deaf and dum on census aa were a few of the offspring ? He says either the Tippins or Masons this side happened to were tent dwellers originally on ruar dean hill or crump meadow and worked in the nearby mine?
Would love to know if any of this true or hearsay he heard growing up when the Tippins visited his Nanny Tippins in South Wales as a kid
Any info links or details on any of the above would be really appreciated
Many thanks in advance

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