Richard & Eliza Watkins / Isaiah & Sarah AnnWatkins of Bream (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Monday, February 26, 2024, 11:33 (380 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

If you use the Advance Search on this website.

e.g. Searching baptism and typing in Lydney Lane.

There are 181 listed from 1858 onwards up to 1929.

The Advance Search also covers marriages (both groom and bride) and deaths.

Hubert Watkins: father Isaac in 1935

4 Brides from 1863 to 1950

72 deaths listed Lydney Lane Bream from 1861 to 1980.

There are 4 Watkins burials listed living in Lydney Lane Bream. The earliest William Watkins who died aged 76 in 1862.

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