William Hulin (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Sunday, July 28, 2024, 23:18 (226 days ago) @ SueD

Hi Sue,

I note you are interested in the St Briavels area re your ancestor William who is proving elusive. Also that you will be visiting the area. This might be a long shot but regarding Christopher you mentioned he died unmarried but not sure when or where.
Have you considered he might have married and had children ?
There is a Christopher Hulin who married a widow Margaret Moran in 1825 and lived on St Briavels Common. They had children Martha,Elizabeth and William. Martha appears to have died as an infant at The Hudnalls.
they appear in 1841 Census. Christopher looks to have died 1875 (taken from my memory).
In my opinion all look like a good possibility except for Christopher's age in 1841 Census which isn't an exact match. However i have only seen a transcription which might be an error although recorded ages sometimes are only approximate or the Enumerator might have been deaf.
A house called "The Hudnalls" appears on "Right Move" for sale at £1.7 million. Apparently it was owned for 50 years by the grand daughter of Edward John Eyre, the explorer after whom Lake eyre and Eyre's Peninsula are named (if you are an Aussie.) Looks like a nice area. I think The Hudnals and St Briavel Common might have been extra parochial land.
National Library of Scotland Ordnance Survey maps might bring up extra information.

Might be a piece for the jigsaw and might lead back to John and Sarah Hulin in a round about way.
Good luck

Sid Toomey

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