Incline Farm, Redbrook (General)

by unknown, Monday, May 30, 2011, 21:32 (5021 days ago) @ suewilkes

Hi Suewilkes

Yes that's the one.

I remember the Morgans there. Depending on when you came to visit it my wife and I may well have been living in the top floor flat of Redbrook House which was owned by my wifes parents then. If you came down from Incline Farm over Incline Bridge then followed your nose on down what we called the back lane we were the second house down on the right. We lived there from 1965 until about 1982 when we moved further up to where we live now.

Hope this helps


Mike J

PS. By the way I only discovered this site this morning, not sure why because I have been heavily into local history for many years but more on Mining and Industrial than family research. I just stumbled on it while looking for something else and saw your post so was glad to help. I have also done the same for 'Sparrow' who also posted recently. We now live on the site of the 'Upper Furnace' so I suppose it worked out quite well.

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