Is Milson a common name in the FOD? (General)

by suewilkes @, Warwickshire, Tuesday, May 31, 2011, 17:24 (5021 days ago) @ rhianonturrell

B35. Near this stone lies the remains of
Ann w/o Richard MILSON, 1 May 1823, 81
William MILSON, s, age 29
He was a Lieutenant in H.M.S. Minotaur
which was lost off the Texel 22 Dec 1810
with the Captain, 5 Lieutenants and upwards
500 of the crew (The ship was classed as a British Frigate)
Richard MILSON 22 April 1809, 70
Elizabeth, Hannah & Richard, children of Richard
And Ann MILSON died in their infancy

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