by mrsbruso @, Wednesday, January 11, 2012, 01:40 (4795 days ago)

The administrator and moderators have been very generous in sharing their expertise with so many of us. They don't solicit for donations, other than the very understated "donate" section at the bottom of the home page. So, please allow me to do this for them . . .

If you have found this site to be helpful -- as I certainly have -- you might consider making a donation to help support the site. It's quite easy and painless, they accept credit cards, paypal, and UK checks.

Having roots in more than one area (Somerset, South Wales and the Forest) I can tell you from experience that most family history groups are far less user friendly than this one.

So, thank you to all who have made the Forest accessible to those of us who are not able to do our research there ourselves.



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