Thomas KEAR/Lousa JENNINGS (General)

by m p griffiths @, Friday, February 03, 2012, 08:11 (4772 days ago) @ unknown

Thomas KEAR married Louisa JENNINGS - Gloucester St Mark 1858


Frederick William KEAR - birth 1859, Gloucester South Hamlet, mother's maiden name JENNINGS

1861 Census, Gloucester Barton St Mary
Ryecroft St


Thomas - 22 - Shoemaker - all born in County
Louisa - 21
Frederick -1

(there is a Thomas KEAR age 3 on the 1841 census in Gloucester - Hare Lane,
with parents
Jeremiah age 40, - occupation (I think, Tanner)
Eliza 25, ****
along with brother Daniel 1 (Glos. Burial Index - Death FreeBDM of a Daniel KEAR in 1841 - also Daniel KEAR, 16w 31 July 1842, Upper Tanner's Yard, Glos. Burial Index)

On the 1851 census, a THOMAS KEER age 13
and a (Charles KEER age 7 ? mother's maiden name HARRIS - on Glos BDM ) - are in the Gloucester District Workhouse - and who is still in the Workhouse in 1861)



CLDS: Eliza HARRIS baptism 26 June 1814, Glos. St Mary De Lobe, parents Richard & Patience)
Glos Marriage Index: Richard HARRIS/Patience BROWN - 27 November 1806, by banns, at Sandhurst


Gloucestershire Records Office, have a Jeremiah KEAR age 76 in the Glos. Union, pauper, 8 December 1859 - c c1783)


Ancestry do have a conviction of an Eliza KEAR - birth date 1817 on the 4 August 1847, at Gloucester, Imprisonment, Larceny before convd. of Felony


Gloucestershire Marriage Index

Jeremiah KEAR married Elizabeth SHORTELL, (SHERTELL on Church of Latter Day Saints - SHORTELL on Freereg) 3 April 1831 - Gloucester St John the Baptist - and then again Jeremiah KEAR married Eliza HARRIS (Father Richard HARRIS)- 12 Oct 1840 again St John the Baptist)


CLDS: Baptism at Glos. St Mary De Lobe: 26 June 1814 - Eliza HARRIS, parents Richard & Patience) Richard was a Carpenter, Journeyman, and has another child Harriett - christened at Glos St Mary De Lobe (residence Wotton) - 7 January 1816, later children were christened at Sandhurst.


Glos. Burial Index has a death of a James SHORTELL - age 70 on the 6 September 1835 at Glos. St John the Baptist, and a Mary SHORTELL, age 64 - Glos St. John - 6 December 1829


and Death Elizabeth KEAR age 40 (June Qtr 1840) Gloucester St Nicholas - Glos. Burial Index, Kingsholm St Mary

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