Chestnuts Lodge .. continued (General)

by Danny @, Monday, February 06, 2012, 16:05 (4768 days ago)

The original Chestnuts Lodge thread is locked but I would like to add a bit more information.

Jeff, yes it looks like I assumed Chestnuts cottage was originally Chestnuts Lodge and gave duff information to Janey.

I don't have an OS map to hand, but I assume from your previous comment that Chestnuts Lodge was on the top of the Chestnuts hill enclosure. If that is correct then I do recall around 1954 the footings of an old building on the very peak of Chestnuts, near the Welshbury end. My older brother recalls there being partial walls still standing around 1950, and in fact a young lad was living rough there at that time.

I'm not sure this was the Lodge, as it wasn't a very well built construction, and no-one referred to it as the Lodge. It was however, the only building we know of inside the Chestnuts enclosure. It must have been a mighty bleak place in winter with no water or electricity!

regards ... Danny

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