Frank A DAVIS, (photo) + Jack Laen OLDHAM (General)

by m p griffiths @, Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 12:31 (4704 days ago) @ unknown

re: photo : if they didn't have the caps on, with their white trousers, I'd say they were cricketers/bowls etc. No band instruments in the photo... Did bands wear light trousers, looking at old photos on Drybrook bands on the net - their uniform is all dark and their instruments appear to be important to be in the photographs....


Looking at his War records on Ancestry - Character: Very Good - occupation; Schoolmaster

enlisted: 19 November 1915, Aldershot (he was 5' 6 and a half inches tall - another page 5-8" ) - may help to see which one he was/or wasn't on the photo fair complexion, grey eyes, brown hair.

'A thorough steady reliable man who has carried out his duties of a clerk in a most efficient manner.

Discharged physically unfit 3 September 1917, Debility; Not result of nor aggravated by ordinary military service. Permanent, prevents 50%. Originated some years ago in England.

Pension £40

The Pension Appeal Tribunal - this case on 5 May 1919
No Action 19 May 1919

says he married: Frances Irene JONES - 19 February 1916, Yate, Glos.


There is a tree on Ancestry with George OLDHAM and Alice DAVIS

Son: Jack Laen OLDHAM - died in Nigeria in 1954
He married Mary McCOY - born 19 December 1903 in Liverpoool - died 1979 Putney

+ a ship passenger list, of Jack from Shanghai China to Boston 29 September 1921, Ship name: HELAN


15 June 1930 age 32, Ship: Tyndareus, from Seattle, Washington to Hong Kong (2nd Engineer)

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