Jeremiah Davis - Two Baptism Entries + Tower House (General)

by m p griffiths @, Monday, August 20, 2012, 10:13 (4572 days ago) @ mikedavies

previous threads on two baptism entries

and DAVIS family thread


1841 Census, Pauntley District 15

Description of Enumeration District: (transcribed as best as possible!)

All that part of the Parish of Pauntley commencing at the Tower Colin Park keeping the road to Brane Green follow the boundary of the Parish of Pool hile Hill keeping the boundary of the Parish round Aylemores to Kelford Bridge on down the river Leden to Everas Bridge and back up the Tower being the whole of Pauntley Parish with the exception of the Detached Part.

first entry on page 1

Tower House (**hence the entry - at the Tower in the Wood)


George - 40
Ann - 40
Isiah - 17
Sarah - 12
Benjamin - 7
Elizabeth - 6
Paul - 3

next house

Hood House then Bran Green


On the 1851 census, Charles JONES age 29 and wife Elizabeth are living at Tower House (District 14)

'The whole of the Parish of Pauntley, with the exception of the detached part, including Colin Park etc...'


1861 Census - Pauntley - first page/entry

Colin Park - Tower House - Mark BALL?

next door, Wood House, then Bran Green


1871 Census, Pauntley - District 19

First entry on page 1

Colin Park
Tower House - James & Catherine LEWIS - Ag. Lab + family


1881 Census, Pauntley, District 19

First Entry

Tower House - Reuben ALLEN - Ag La and his family

next house is Wood House


1891 Census, Pauntley

Reuben ALLEN, (Butcher) wife Louisa + family are still at the Tower House - Wood House next door


1901 Census, Pauntley

Tower House - first again

Robert ENGLAND (well sinker) - wife Florence + family

next houses:

Wood House
Bran Green
Pauntley Court
Payford Mill


On the 1911 Census - Rueben ALLEN is back at Tower House, Pauntley, Newent (4 rooms) + his family

houses next door etc

Wood House
Bran Green
White House - with Major Thackwell
Pauntley Court (birthplace of Dick WHITTINGTON)
Payford Mill
Ivy Cottage
Hill Field
Pool Hill + with a number of houses
Chapel (Wesley)

Now Collinpark - Pauntley

Is on Wikipedia -

(search for Collinpark Wood) **

part of the Pauntley Estate, - 164.8 acres, ... biological site of special scientific interest....

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