Thomas Palmer of Flaxley (Parish Records)

by kathg42 @, Wednesday, July 17, 2013, 06:58 (4231 days ago) @ m p griffiths

I'll have to live to 100 to find the sources you know of!
Thanks for info on Thomas Palmer being a servant of Kingstons.

I found previously that this family built the 2nd Flaxley Chapel.

The 3rd chapel built by Mary Pope in 1727-30 was said in 1851 to
have had '130 seats, all appropriated for the household & tenants
of Sir Martin Crawley -Boevey.'[Benefice Office W o S]

This made me wonder if John Palmer was a tenant farmer of the Abbey
when his last 7 children were baptised in Flaxley from 1800-1813.

[The 4th Flaxley church wasn't built until 1856.]

I would tend to think that John Palmer descended from Thomas Palmer
of Flaxley rather than from Thomas Palmer of Longney; would you?

Re John Palmer s/o Thomas bap 22.03.1731 Longney - in the same year I found
John Palmer s/0 Thomas bur 20.10.1731 " - same Vicar W James
That has me totally confused; it can't be my John Palmer.

Puzzled Kath

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