Meaning of "sentence" wrt Wills, Probate etc, mid C17th ? (General)

by kathg42 @, Friday, August 09, 2013, 02:29 (4217 days ago) @ Jefff

Hello Jeff
I found this in re how to find wills:
"Search and download our online wills (1384-1858) which, up until 1800, may have a SENTENCE (judgment) after the probate clause or as a separate entry. If the sentence was registered, you will find a reference to the relevant folio number and the SENTENCE also gives the name of the case"
Hope that leads you up the right path.
I have come across some intriguing words regarding ancient property transfers:
DEFORCIANT – pronounced deforshant - one who wrongfully keeps the owner of lands & tenements out of the possession of them.
A FEOFFMENT in old England was a transfer of property that gave the new owner the right to Sell the land as well as the right to pass it on to his heirs. An essential element of feoffment was livery of SEISIN, a ceremony for transferring the possession of real property from one person to
MESSUAGE, property. This word is synonymous with dwelling-house; and a grant of a messuage with the appurtenances, will not only pass a house, but all the buildings attached or belonging to it, as also its curtilage, garden and orchard, together with the close on which the house is built.
- all very interesting

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