Where is / was Kempla Herefordshire? (General)

by janethowell, Thursday, July 03, 2014, 11:35 (3888 days ago)

An entry on the 1851 census image gives a place of birth as Herefordshire, Kempla.

The writing is quite clear but arguably the final "a" could be "e" making Kemple.
The handwriting is that sort of script where "ss" was written a bit like "fs" so it could be "Kemssle" not "Kemple" or "Kempla".

There is no other letter "p" on the page to compare to, though there is an "ss".

I have been working for sometime that this must be Kempley, near Dymock, even though there is no indication of an extra letter "y" making Kempley on the image and Kempley to me is clearly in Gloucestershire though near to the Herefordshire border.

Was there another village that could be described as being in Herefordshire?

Many thanks


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