WW1 medals (General)

by Barbara Smith, Tuesday, August 05, 2014, 21:51 (3854 days ago)

My grandad Walter Morgan Vine served in the Royal Navy from 1911 to 1921. His service number was K9909(the K stands for Stoker) and I have a copy of his service record. He joined up at the age of 12. I think he served on HMS Collingwood at the battle of Scapa Flow and HMS Revenge at the Battle of Jutland. Before the war he served on HMS Caesar and at the end of the war he was on HMS Talbot protecting shipping off the Cape of Good Hope. After the war he served on HMS Lucia, a submarine supply ship. I've been trying to research the medals he would have been awarded. I know he claimed them as I remember seeing them as a little girl but I can't remember what they were and they have now been lost.

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