by clhbutterfly, Wednesday, August 27, 2014, 14:01 (3832 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Many thanks for getting back to me. Neither of those trees are mine but I am in touch with both the owners.
my tree is under the name of carlier.

I have a copy of Henry Helt's birth cert and it says his father was henry Helt and his mother was elizabeth Hupole.
I have been unable to find any records under these names but I did find a marriage record for Henry ELT and Elizabeth HUSSEL in upton upon severn in oct 1839. These names are so close to the names on the cert I have that they must be one and the same.

thank you for confirming the details for Edward James Ody, I now need to confirm Linda Powell's details and find out why Henry and Harriet took them in, was this something that people did during that time and did they ever officially become Helts.
Once again thank you, any other Helt info would be gratefully received.

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