by shepway @, Sunday, February 08, 2015, 17:22 (3667 days ago) @ ChrisW

The birth of Florence Elizabeth is registered. This entry from Glos BMD:
Child Surname Child Forename Father Surname Mother Surname Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
DEAN Florence Elizabeth DEAN DEAN BAKER 1860 Forest of Dean Westbury on Severn, Newnham 20 357

It would appear that it has been indexed incorrectly in the GRO Index. I suspect that this is the one being sought.
Births Jun 1860
Green Florence Elizabeth Westbury on S 6a 184

This is from the 1861 Census:
Household Number Given Name Surname Relationship Age Estimated Birth Year Gender Birth City Birth County Birth Country
91 George B Dean Head 26 1835 Male Kingsinford Staffordshire England
91 Mary A Dean Wife 26 1835 Female Kingsinford Staffordshire England
91 Florance E Dean Daughter 11/12 1860 Female Kingsinford Staffordshire England

It would appear that George Bayliss Dean died in 1867:
Deaths Jun 1867
Dean George Bayliss 33 Stourbridge 6c 108

and Mary Ann remarried:
Marriages Mar 1870
DEAN Mary Ann Stourbridge 6c 204
VALLANCE Joseph Stourbridge 6c 204

Not found them in the 1871 Census. This is the 1881:

Address Given Name Surname Relationship to Head Marital Status Age Estimated Birth Year Gender Occupation Birth City Birth County Birth Country
79 Hall St Mary A. Vallance Head Married 44 1837 Female Fruiterer Kingswinford Staffordshire England
79 Hall St Florence E. Dean Daughter 20 1861 Female Fruiterer Bilstree Green Gloucestershire England
79 Hall St Alfred W. Dean Son 2 1879 Male Scholar Dudley Worcestershire England
79 Hall St George B. Dean Son 19 1862 Male Carter Out Of Employ Kingswinford Staffordshire

This is the birth registration of Alfred Wooldridge Dean:
Births Mar 1879
Dean Alfred Wooldridge Dudley 6c 133

Florence's marriage in 1884:
Marriages Mar 1884
Dean Florence Elizabeth Dudley 6c 18
Ennis Horace Dudley 6c 18

The Ennis family in 1891:
Given Name Surname Relationship Gender Age Estimated Birth Year Birth City or District Birth County Birth Country
Horace Ennis Head Male 30 1861 Dudley Worcestershire England
Florrie E Ennis Wife Female 30 1861 Forest of Dean Gloucestershire England
Alfred Ennis Son Male 12 1879 Dudley Gloucestershire England
Florence Ennis Daughter Female 4 1887 Dudley Gloucestershire England
Minnie Ennis Daughter Female 6 1885 Dudley Gloucestershire England
Joseph Valance Stepfather Male 56 1835 Coventry

and Alfred in 1911:
1911 Census:
Name Relation to Head Birth Date Age Gender Marital Status Years Married Occupation Birth Place Address
Alfred Ennis Head 1880 31 Male Married Drayman Dudley, Worcestershire
Florrie Ennis Wife 1883 28 Female Married 10 Worcestershire
Horace Ennis Son 1903 8 Male scholar Worcestershire
Joseph Ennis Son 1904 7 Male scholar Worcestershire
Minnie Ennis Daughter 1908 3 Female Worcestershire
William Ennis Son 1910 9/12 Male Worcestershire
Laura Finch Sister-in-law 1890 21 Female Single Worcestershire


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