Meaning of a name (General)

by Paul Andrews @, Shropshire, England, Wednesday, October 03, 2018, 21:41 (2324 days ago) @ MPGriffiths


What name is the Miner Waterward ? Waterwork???

The miner is Thomas Milson Townsend age 34 in 1911 Wales Census, living at Hillersland Near Coleford, Gloucestershire, with his widowed mother Martha.

In 1901 England Census he is Milson Townsend living with his parents George and Martha in Hillersland.

Waterward comes from the transcription by Ancestry. Find My Past transcribes the image as Smiternward. I don't think either is correct. If you compare the first letter of the word with others on the page it is the same a the T in Townsend.

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