Update...graves almost located (General)

by willow, Sunday, July 09, 2006, 10:39 (6790 days ago) @ Roger Griffiths

I just got back from the forest and I now received this email
looks like I have to come back later in the year now

Hello Denise,

We have traced both Thomas and Fanny Willstead in St Johns Churchyard.
That is to say we have found the approximate area.

Area B Row 13. is located in the register and this is at the back of the Church Hall
counting the rows from the main path towards the back wall (facing towards speech house)

At least you have an idea which part of the churchyard to look

Any other help I can give dont hesitate to ask.

Good hunting

Churchwarden St Johns Cinderford.

also whilst i was away we searched through papers and found this listed on copy of burial entry B/13/22 so we NOW think that this must mean
Grave# 22 in row 13 Area B ( I dont think theres a stone because I think I looked in that area last year)

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