by Janice Jones @, Sunday, February 02, 2014, 00:58 (4023 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

M P Griffiths and I are now corresponding by direct e-mail - I have had so much help from her. Thank you to FOD for the introduction!

My recent findings regarding the Jones/Bowyer/Giles have proved interesting BUT I am still no clearer regarding the lady who married William Card!

It is more than likely that she was one of the above Jones family (see earlier reference to John Bowyer Jones "present at the death" of Maria Card.)

She has only been referred to as "MARIA" on all the records we have been able to find, yet the only marriage we have found that appears to fit, names the Bride of William Card, married 08 Sep 1829 in Monmouth (St Mary ?), as MARIANNE PRICE JONES.
Neither the Groom's nor the Bride's Father is named!!!

However, we cannot find the Birth/Baptism of a Marianne Price Jones, which should appear about 1805. There is, however, a Maria Jones Baptised at Monmouth St Mary on 10 Sep 1805, daughter of John and Mary Jones. AND, there is a marriage of a John Jones to a Mary Jones in November of 1805 - a little after Maria's arrival but since both were Jones, maybe they got away with it!! Or is she an Aunt to the J B Jones of the death certificate - his father's sister??

I have reams of paperwork on all this but still no "proven" birth-date and parents for MARIA JONES(or for a Marianne Price Jones).

Over to you Forest of Dean researchers!


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