Sarah Head's father (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Sunday, March 23, 2014, 15:26 (3978 days ago) @ Jane777

Hi Erica,
first, can I mention that for continuity and ease of reading, both now and for future researchers, it might have been easier to attach this query to your previous related thread
secondly, what exactly is your query ?

My reaction to the Birth Certificate information is:
1. shouldn't there be a line where Sarah's father is named ?. I presume there is such a line, and it's been left blank, and your query is who is he ?; but thats just my assumption and would be gratefull if you could please clarify. Then again perhaps in these early days they wern't using standardised forms, and the Registrar recorded just what he's told ?
2. on the face of what you've written it looks to me to be a clear case of a child being born illegitimately to a mother who either doesn't know the father, or has no desire for his name to be placed on official record.
3. Not unusually for that time in a rural area, Sarah's mother Maria Head is unable to write her name, having signed by marking with an "x".

Sorry I cannot be more helpfull, J

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