Seeking info on Samuel NEWMAN of Blakeney/Awre (General)

by ChrisW @, Wednesday, August 06, 2014, 20:23 (3841 days ago) @ foacmow

I wonder if William married twice?

MARRIAGE: 28 Aug 1821 at Berkeley

NAME: William Newman Ann Church
ABODE: Berkeley Wottonunderedge

WITNESSES: Charlotte Newman, Henry Clarke

(It's that Church name again!)

..........and then:

MARRIAGE: 15 Oct 1828 at Berkeley

NAME: William Newman Hannah Garraway
ABODE: Berkeley Berkeley

WITNESSES: William Cornock, Henry Clarke


Of course we don't know where William was born, but if he was a local lad this is the only baptism I can find that is anywhere near to matching the burial age that Marilyn found.

NAME: Willm Newman BAPTISED: 9 Jan 1794 at Berkeley

MOTHER: Susanna
ABODE: Saniger
NOTES: Illegitimate

(Sanigar is between Berkeley and Sharpness).

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