Ben Hale and Family (General)

by shepway @, Sunday, November 26, 2017, 18:14 (2631 days ago) @ Hurricane999

We now move on to Ben Hale and family:

1911 Census:
Ben Hale 36

His birth registration.
Child Surname Child Forename Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
HALE Ben FOX 1875 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford 32 341

his marriage:
Groom Surname Groom Forename Bride Surname Bride Forename District Parish Building Year Register Entry
HALE Ben MORSE Phoebe Lavinia Forest of Dean Monmouth Register Office Closed 1899 20 79

Phobe Hale 32
Birth registration:
Child Surname Child Forename Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
MORSE Phoebe VAUGHAN 1846 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford 4 124

Elsie Hale 10
Not found. However I believe it is Alice Kate:
Child Surname Child Forename Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
HALE Alice Kate MORSE 1901 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford 58 1
Her baptism details are on this website.

This is the 1901 Census:
Broadwell Lane End
Household Number Given Name Surname Relationship Age Birth Year (Derived) Gender Birth City Birth County Birth Country
44 Ben Hale Head 26 1875 Male West Dean Gloucestershire England
44 Phoebe Hale Wife 23 1878 Female West Dean Gloucestershire England
44 Kate Hale Daughter 1 Month 1901 Female West Dean Gloucestershire England

Cissie Hale 8
Also not found but we have Gladys of the same age:
Child Surname Child Forename Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
HALE Gladys MORSE 1902 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford 59 81

Lizzy Hale 7
Birth Registration:
Child Surname Child Forename Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
HALE Elizabeth Ann MORSE 1904 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford 61 67

Annie Hale 3 (Gladys Hale)
Not Gladys. Birth registration does not match. We have the following registration:
Child Surname Child Forename Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
HALE Annie MORSE 1907 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford (Sub-district 4) 1 275

Jack Hale 2
Birth Registration:
HALE Jack MORSE 1908 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford (Sub-district 4) 2 112

Gertie Hale 2/12 (Gertrude Hale)
Birth Registration:
Child Surname Child Forename Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
HALE Gertrude MORSE 1911 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford (Sub-district 4) 3 148

The following were also born to Ben and Phoebe before 1911 Census:
Child Surname Child Forename Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
HALE Gladys MORSE 1900 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford 56 443
HALE Lily Blanch MORSE 1906 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford 62 439

Gladys died shortly after birth and Lily died in 1908 aged 1. Both burials can be found in the Parish Records on this website.

Other children from the marriage born subsequent to the 1911 Census:
Child Surname Child Forename Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
HALE Teresa MORSE 1912 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford (Sub-district 4) 4 149
HALE Moses MORSE 1915 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford (Sub-district 4) 5 169
HALE Tom MORSE 1918 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford (Sub-district 4) 6 394
HALE Grace MORSE 1920 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford (Sub-district 4) 7 475

Tom’s baptism and burial details are on this website (both 1918)

Teresa (Theresa) married Arthur Thomas
Marriages Sep 1931
Hale Theresa Thomas Cheltenham 6a 1204
Thomas Arthur J Hale Cheltenham 6a 1204

and are found together with Grace Hale in the 1939 Register as follows:
Thomas Household (4 People)
"jorby" Arle Drive , Cheltenham M.B., Gloucestershire, England
Grace Hale 22 Oct 1920 Female Shop Assistant Confectionery Unemployed Single 547 4
Arthur Thomas 08 Oct 1904 Male Metal Blades Polisher (Aircraft Married 547 1
Theresa Thomas 19 Dec 1912 Female Unpaid Domestic Duties Married 547 2

This clearly demonstrates that we have 2 distinct families and it is also worth noting the following:
The mother of Annie Elizabeth wife of Alfred Hale was Elizabeth FOX. Her father was Joseph Rook(e).
The mother of Ben Hale was also Elizabeth FOX and his father was Moses Hale.

This is the 1881 Census:
Address Given Name Surname Relationship to Head Marital Status Age Estimated Birth Year Gender Occupation Birth City Birth County Birth Country
Joseph Rook Head Married 24 1857 Male Coal Miner West Dean Gloucestershire England
Elizabeth Rook Wife Married 28 1853 Female West Dean Gloucestershire England
Ben Hale Son 6 1875 Male Sch West Dean Gloucestershire England
Annie Rook Daughter 3 mons 1881 Female West Dean Gloucestershire

Apart from FreeBMD there are 2 excellent websites (both Free) for checking registration details:
Gloucestershire BMD Index
GRO online


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