Special occasions in the forest (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, October 09, 2018, 16:06 (2313 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Continuation of same letter July 1822

'The foresters, from their secluded situation of this part of the country, and by not mixing much with their more enlightened neighbours, have a great many superstitious customs among them, of which the following are the most remarkable.

They implicitly believe old Christmas (5th of January) to be the real Christmas Day, and no argument whatever would convince them of their error. On that night (they say), exactly at twelve o'clock, the herb rosemary blossoms, which is a proof that our Saviour was born at that hour. The oxen likewise kneel down at the same time; and some will go so far as to say they have actually seen these prodigies.

On old Christmas Day they will not suffer any females to enter their houses, and during the above day and the eleven succeeding ones, they will not suffer any fire to be taken out of their houses. If you ask them their reasons for observing the above customs, they will tell you it is unlucky to break them, and recount several strange accidents which have happened to persons who have been presumptuous enough to do so.

At the new Moon they turn the money in their pockets, thinking it to be lucky.

They believe in witchcrafts, and wonderful are the tales they relate of wizards, apparitions, and enchanters.

..... and goes on to say, If you admit this paper into your Miscellany, I shall at some future time give you a more detailed account of Dean Forest scenery and manners, for the subject is far from being exhausted.'


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