Fanny Jane LANE. Researching Pubs & Beerhouse Licenses etc (General)

by probinson @, S. Oxon, Friday, November 30, 2018, 11:41 (2261 days ago) @ Jefff

Full text of one of those BNA links:

Coleford. INQUEST ON A CHILD. Dr. 11. Macartney (Forest of Dean Coroner) conducted an inquiry Coleford Petty Sessional Court Room touching the death of William Ernest, the illegitimate child of Fanny Lane, a married woman living at Lord's Hill. Coleford. The death took place on Sunday, April 24th. Fanny Lane (36) said she was the wife of Alfred Ernest Lane, a foreman mason working the railway in West Africa. Witness had two other children. When her husband came home on September 15th last year knew witness was enceinte. She made a confession to him, and he forgave tier before returning to his in December. The deceased was born on April Ist. Deceased usually slept in the same bed as witness. Witness woke about 7.30 on Sunday morning, and found the child dead. Witness had lain with her back towards deceased. His face was on the pillow, and the bed clothes were round his moutii Witness was quite sober when she went bed on Saturday night.—Dr. H. C. MaeQuaide said the child was weH nourished and was not suffering from any disease. In witness's opinion death was the result of suffocation. There were marks of violence about the Ivody, but when witness first saw it the fa looked rather flattened, whilst two boura later the face looked different, which would suggest that there had been heavy pressure its face, or that it had been lying on the fact and that the weight was at the back of the head. It was possible for the mother her sleep have overlain the child and brought about this condition.—The Coroner said the practice letting a child sleep with the parents was one that could not be too much deprecated The child had died v death of violence, but how it was there was not sufficient evidence say.—The jury were of opinion that death was accidental, and there was no criminal neglect on the part of the mother.


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