William Hooper & Lucy Longney married 1817 Arlingham (Parish Records)

by MPGriffiths @, Wednesday, November 16, 2016, 19:53 (3036 days ago) @ Pegerton


Forest of Dean records

Marriage at Churcham - 4 December 1786

residence: Bulley
residence: Bulley
Both sign
witness 1: Thomas DOWLE and mark of Ann DOWLE other witness: William ROWLES



There doesn't appear to be a transcription of this Licence in the Forest of Dean records.


Perhaps other Wills may list the children of Thomas & Mary HOOPER


Jeremiah HOOPER - Bulley - 6 June 1807
Edward HOOPER - Bulley - 7 July 1821


Looking at the Gloucesterhire Records Office Catalogue on line - the HOOPER's appear to be Gamekeepers - and could be working in other areas, as did my family - and some of their children I have been unable to find their baptisms.

Piece: Q/SO/9 (part)

Deputation to Thos. HOOPER to act as gamekeeper for Churcham by The Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Gloucester, lord of the manor, made 20 October 1777, registered at Quarter Sessions 22 October 1777

Piece: Q/SO/12 (part)

Deputation to William HOOPER to act as gamekeeper for Hartpury by Robert Carring, Eq. lord of the manor, made 5 February 1816, registered at Quarter Sessions 16 February 1816.

+ a much earlier Jememiah HOOPER also a Gamekeeper


Appears to be a connection between the Churcham and Hartpury HOOPER's through occupation.

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