Surnames (General)

by robert tucker, Wednesday, January 31, 2007, 05:36 (6583 days ago) @ bertha

Hello Bertha,

This business of having a second name has really caused me a lot of confusion.
If you go to the top of the 'New additions January' photo gallery you will see my entry on my materal grandfather George Barnfield-Hale, after a lot of searching I discovered that his great grandmother was Ruth Barnfield and he adopted this as part of his surname. However, he didn't seem to use if when registering the birth of his many children or on any official documentation.
As Hale is a common Forest name, I'm sure one of the contributors to this particular thread is right - it has a certain 'snob' value.

I spent an enjoyable day last weekend driving around the forest meeting up with long lost cousins and old friends of my aunts and uncles.

Facinating stuff this - I'm relly hooked!

Best wishes,


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