Murder of Elizabeth Trapp 1759 (Inquests)

by ChrisW @, Monday, April 07, 2008, 01:20 (6083 days ago) @ admin

Feb 6. Gloucester, Feb 3. Last Saturday Night MARGARET GRIFFITHS, of Newent, in this county, was brought to our County Gaol, having been found guilty, on the Coroner's Inquest, of wilfully murdering ELIZABETH TRAP, of the same Place, by giving her a violent Blow on the Head with a Stick, of which she instantly died.

Record_ID: 74070
Entry Number: 3462
Year: 1759
Month: Jan
Day: 28
Surname: TRAPP
Forenames: Elizabeth
Place of Residence:
Age at death:
Officiating Minister:
Event: Burial
Cause of death:
Register Reference: P225 IN 1/2
Page No: 192
Parish_Chapel: Newent
Soundex: T610

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