Fire death of George Woodman 1823 Of Little Dean (Inquests)

by ChrisW @, Monday, April 07, 2008, 11:36 (6083 days ago) @ ChrisW

Jan: The following inquest was lately taken before J Cooke, Esq. Coroner: At Littledean, on the body of GEORGE WOODMAN, aged three years burnt to death, in consequence of his clothes taking fire, in the absence of his parents. Verdict Accidental Death.
Record_ID: 18159
Entry Number: 200
Year: 1823
Month: Dec
Day: 3
Surname: WOODMAN
Forenames: George
Place of Residence: Little Dean
Age at death: 3
Officiating Minister: T. R. Garvey Curate
Event: Burial
Cause of death: [not sta
Register Reference: P 110 IN 1/11
Page No: 25
Parish_Chapel: Littledean
Soundex: W355

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