Fire Elenor Jones 1837 of Pillowell (Inquests)

by ChrisW @, Thursday, April 10, 2008, 08:39 (6080 days ago) @ ChrisW

Feb 11. INQUESTS. Have been held during the last fortnight before W Joyner Ellis, Coroner, at Pillowell, in the Forest of Dean, on ELINOR JONES, aged 4 years, burnt to death, and verdict returned of Accidental Death.

Record_ID: 34877
Entry Number: 162
Year: 1837
Month: Feb
Day: 6
Surname: JONES
Forenames: Elenor
Place of Residence: Pillowell
Age at death: 4 years
Officiating Minister: H[enr]y Poole Minister
Event: Burial
Cause of death:
Register Reference: P245 IN 1/29
Page No: 21
Parish_Chapel: Parkend
Soundex: J520

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