What a wonderful year it has been! (Announce)
A special thank you to all the people who have volunteered their time and experience in making the Forest of Dean Website the popular place it is. We have hundreds of people who are involved in many ways in helping people find out who their forebears were and how they lived in their day.
There are too many of you to name individually but you all know who you are so thank you again for the significant contribution you have made in assisting the world-wide community we have.
Whatever significance the Christmas and New Year season has for you, be it religious or not, please allow me to wish you and your families and friends a wonderfully joyous, peaceful, prosperous New Year.
What a wonderful year it has been!
Here's wishing you all a very happy new year, where ever in the world you are, and hope that 2009 will bring you all you would wish for.