Visiting churches in Somerset and the Forest of Dean (Announce)
I just wanted to thank Jefff and JH for suggesting I contact the churches I planned to visit before my travels. Every one had quick responses and gave me the various hours they were open or who to contact to arrange for a visitation.
I pulled up the Church website and then sent a message on the Church of England website called "a Church Near You". Some are open every day, others you need to call to make arrangements. I would be glad to share my list if anyone is interested.
Thank you, Donna
Visiting churches in Somerset and the Forest of Dean
Excellent Donna. We should have done that - I just made an assumption that they would be open. When you have travelled 12,000 miles to see something, it is a trifle disappointing to find out that you can't... I am glad you have forestalled that for your visit.
Enjoy yourself!
Visiting churches in Somerset and the Forest of Dean
Thank you JH for the suggestion!