Yorkley Slade -dwelling history (General)

by MPGriffiths @, Sunday, May 24, 2015, 15:39 (3579 days ago) @ Gill

Couldn't search for your Ancestors 1911 census - as no names given.

The Enumerators Summary Books - 1911 Wales Census for Yorkley Slade Nr Lydney - do not give many individual house names - nor does

Lloyd George Survey of Land Values - Gloucester


However the above website - if you search for Yorkley Slade gives details of Owners and occupants of the houses in Yorkley Slade - with size of plots, rates etc.

Go to the heading..... Search - then

Search by address: Yorkley Slade : Enter house, road (box) - then click : Search

then click on each 'red Yorkley Slade heading' to pull up the full information

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