Dear all,I am trying to find Thomas Gwynn b.~1613 and died ~1667.He married in 1636 to a Mary(surname unknown) in Monmouth.The name Gwynn may well be Gwin/Gwyn/Gwynn etc.I believe Thomas and Mary had 4 children:Thomas 1637-1728,Christopher 1640-,Mary 1646-,and Elizabeth 1650-.Any help appreciated..kind regards ivorglyn PS I am looking for the surname of Mary and where she married and any extra info.
Thomas Gwynn
by PEG , Tuesday, March 01, 2016, 09:15 (3297 days ago) @ ivorglyn
Hi ivorglyn, I am a very distant relative to this Thomas Gwynn. I am not sure if it is the Gwynne side of the family you are seeking or his wife's side? I am a relative from the Gwynne side of the family. Thomas Gwynn was my 8x great grandfather on my father's (Gwynne) side. We have not been able to trace our family line back past this point & unfortunately have no information on his wife's family either. We have a copy of his last will & testament & we believe he probably lived in Trellech. Several generations after him seem to have lived around the Trellech / Cwncarvan / Mitchel Troy areas, before crossing the border into England. I am originally from Parkend (where 5 generations of us are buried) in the Forest of Dean & now live in Australia. Several years ago we spent several days trudging around the churchyards of Trellech, Cwmcarvan & Mitchel Troy looking for old headstones as evidence of our early Gwynne ancestors but found very few clues!! We were only successful in Mitchel Troy, finding headstones from John & Elizabeth Gwynne family members & their siblings from the early 1800s. I am not sure if this is of assistance to you though?
Thomas Gwynn
by ivorglyn , Wednesday, March 02, 2016, 12:44 (3296 days ago) @ PEG
Dear Peg,It is the Gwyn family that I'm interested in.My connection is Elizabeth Gwynn who married William Parry in Trelleck.They had a daughter Susanna who married Joseph Gundy.Joseph and Susanna were my gggrandparents..kind regards Ivorglyn
Thomas Gwynn
by PEG , Friday, July 22, 2016, 08:50 (3154 days ago) @ ivorglyn
Hi ivorglyn, I revisited this the other day. I am not sure whether I have found anything useful here or not, or you may already have this information anyway! There is a Gwynne family tree on RootsWeb that has been put together by Steve Dowdeswell (his wife is a distant cousin of mine). Here is the link to 1 of the pages that may be of use
This page shows the Thomas & Mary (surname unknown) & the 4 children you listed at the top of this thread. If you click on Elizabeth the next page shows her as marrying George Worgan. I am not sure if this helps you or whether I am not on the right branch of your tree here!!??
Thomas Gwynn
by ivorglyn , Friday, July 29, 2016, 15:41 (3147 days ago) @ PEG
Dear Peg,I received an email recently from familysearch(the Mormon site)re Samuel Lineam Evans born 1823 in Bristol who married Ann Eliza Manning in 1846 Bristol.I was very puzzled as to these records but when I looked back in Samuel lineam's family tree there were members of the Gwyn(n) family tracing back to Thomas Gwyn(n).Thankyou for your email.If there are any other queries I would be glad to help..kind regards ivorglyn