Cooper Family (Urgent)

by Adelebrain2021, Monday, April 17, 2023, 20:51 (674 days ago)

Hi all. Does anyone have any information on an Albert Cooper (1867-1944). He was a well known forest miner from the Uplands, Yorkley.

Cooper Family

by MPGriffiths @, Monday, April 17, 2023, 21:21 (674 days ago) @ Adelebrain2021

Gloucester Journal ::

Saturday 25 July 1925

Whitecroft Man’s Success

Mr Harold Voss, Whitecroft, near Lydbrook, is the winner this year of the chief mining scholarship offered by the Mining Instruction Committee of the Gloucestershire Education Committee.

It is of the value approximating to £300, and consists of two years’ instruction at a leading Colliery and free tuition at a mining Technical College, probably in the North of England.

Mr Voss is a collier working in one of the mines of the Princess Royal Colliery Co.

His brother Reg won the scholarship last year, and fir the last few sessions both have been high up in the advanced class.

Mr Voss attended the Pillowell classes of which the INSTRUCTOR is


In connection with the classes other prizes offered consist of provisions being made for 12 selected students being offered a week’s holiday excursions to an uptodate coalfield and the winners will be announced later.

Cooper Family

by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 07:50 (673 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Gloucester Journal: Saturday 9 October 1937


The success of First Aid and Home Nursing classes was mentioned when the Blakeney and Viney Hill branch held their annual supper and presentation of awards.

etc. etc

MR ALBERT COOPER, YORKLEY, on behalf of the Viney Hill Section, and Mr Claud Deane on behalf of the Blakeney section spoke appreciatively of the work of Dr Fletcher and other officials.


The awards were presented (various names listed) including


Men's Classes, service for first aid : inc ALBERT COOPER

Labels, (various names including)


Cooper Family

by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 08:08 (673 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

There does seem to be quite a few articles on a Mr Albert COOPER

Western Daily Press
Thursday 31 July 1924


FOREST OF DEAN - Mining Scholarship

Where is talks about Mr ALBERT COOPER, YORKLEY, Manager at the Royal Colliery of New Fancy Colliery Company at Parkend.

Cooper Family

by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 08:17 (673 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Gloucester Citizen

Wednesday 20 December 1944


Death of Mr A Cooper, Yorkley

One of the best known men in Forest Mining, MR ALBERT COOPER, of The Uplands, Yorkley, died suddenly on Monday at the age of 76.

Mr Cooper was born at Oldcroft and began work at the age of 14 at the old Speech House Colliery.

He began a student of mining, and finally obtained the qualification of colliery manager, gaining a first-class certificate in mining with honours.

He had been 58 years in colliery work, mainly at the New Fancy Works.

He was president of the Yorkley Cricket Club, of which he was one of the first members when the club was formed nearly 50 years ago.

He was also a manager of Viney Hill School, and a prominent member of St John.

His ambulance work was connected largely with collieries.

Cooper Family

by Adelebrain2021, Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 18:44 (673 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Thank you very much for all this information.
I have found the majority of these newspaper clips. I find them very interesting.

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