STEPHENS family St Briavels c 1830 (General)

by glo, Friday, July 04, 2008, 00:42 (6086 days ago) @ jimashton

Have just found this site and registered and seen your reference to a Caroline Stephens who married Williams Roberts. These are my paternal gt gt grandparents
I have their marriage cert 18 Dec 1861 married at Register Office, Westbury on Severn district. Both living at Stenders East Dean. William 22yrs a collier was his Father George Roberts. Caroline also 22yrs a spinster no occupation, but Father Robert Stephens as a Collier. Witnesses were a Nathaniel Smart and a Mary Robinson. No idea where they fit in but on FreeBMD I spotted a marriage for this couple,

My paternal Grandmother Mary Roberts is one of their many children and born in East Dean in Gloucester c1868/9 but I have been unable to find a baptism or establish a date of birth for Grandma Mary. I have requested several birth certificates but the staff at Gloucester Register Office have not found a Mary Roberts with parents William and Caroline Roberts nee Stephens and so I am stuck!

I traced Mary Roberts to Pontypridd where she married a James Williams and 3 sons were born from this marriage before James sadly died at a young age. Mary Roberts/Williams married my paternal Grandfather William George Tucker as a 29yr old widow in Pontypridd September 1899 and went on to have 5 sons and a daughter. I have Mary Tuckers death certificate she died in December 1912 but dispite living in the same area of Glamorgan for many years I have been unable to find the final resting place for my paternal Grandmother in any church burial grounds or municipal cemeteries. My Grandfather went on to remarry and he is buried with his second wife and a young 3yr old daughter from this 2nd marriage in St Cattwgs churchyard Gelligaer Glamorgan.

My Grandma Mary Roberts/Williams/Tucker is a mysterious lady, I have the "middle pieces" but NO birth or burial details......? I wondered if you could suggest what to do next please?


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