STEPHENS family St Briavels c 1830 (General)

by deborahrmgreig, Wednesday, January 09, 2008, 08:05 (6263 days ago) @ deborahrmgreig

Just found Caroline's marriage by a bit of detective work.
Saw a marriage record in Westbury on Severn 1861 to a William Roberts so searched for this couple in 1871 and found that this was not my Caroline, but the Caroline born c 1837 in East Dean.
So followed a hunch and searched in Birmingham where her sister Esther, my gg grandma married in 1856 and found a marriage in Aston 1861 to an Edward Brinsford so searched for them in 1871 and found Esther Brinsford was born c 1831 in Gloucestershire St Briavels so I will send for this marriage certificate to see if it adds anything.
Meanwhile I will continue to search for further clues about parents Thomas and Anne Stephens.

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