Martha SYMONDS - 1861/1871 Census (General)

by m p griffiths @, Tuesday, May 01, 2012, 17:55 (4641 days ago) @ unknown

When searching on Ancestry, you have to get used to putting the information request down in all sorts of ways.....

For example:

Searching the 1871 census for Martha SYMONDS (which in itself is a difficult surname)....

I put just :




born Red Marley

and fortunately, up came : Martha SYMARD (transcribed on Ancestry, but clearly says SYMONDS -

1871 Census, Glos Newent, District 1 - Page 12 of 13

Martha SYMONDS: Widow 77 - Annuitant, born Worcester, RedMarley


1861 Census, Newent
Back of the Square

Martha SYMONS - 62 - Widow, Ag Lab. bor Worc. Red Marley

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