John Simons - Born abt 1801 - Buried 1866 Dymock (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Saturday, May 05, 2012, 16:03 (4651 days ago) @ unknown

Hi again Lynne,
hope you're warmer in SA than it is here in very cold Middlesex, if this is the May Bank Holiday then rollon Christmas !?!
Glad you've been having success with your hunt, I used to think my Jones surname was a pain to search but the variants of Symmonds ad infinitum have made me believe maybe there is safety in numbers instead !

Using this site's Advanced Search for baptisms I've looked at all those with parents surname starting with "S" and parent's names starting "J" & "M".
Sadly no hint at all for Helen/Ellen's Baptism, sorry to say !!

Using same system for "Burials" for "Jo%" & "S%" and ">1861"", hopefully to find all spelling variations of John & Symmonds from 1861, only search upwards until 1871 (as he died between these dates judging from Census evidence on earlier posts),

I find the following possible Burials:

Entry Number 18
Year 1866
Month Nov
Day 10
Surname SIMONS
Forenames John
Residence Greenway
Age at death 65
Officiating Minister Charles Hill curate
Event Burial
Cause of death
Memoranda Vicar
Register Reference P125 IN 1/31
Page No 3
Parish Chapel Dymock

This would give his Birth abt 1801 which fits our timescale nicely.
Perhaps the "Greenway" residence will help confirm or not ?

Unfortunately I also find:

Entry Number 1564
Year 1864
Month Dec
Day 2
Forenames John
Residence Union
Age at death 66
Officiating Minister A J Woodford
Event Burial
Cause of death
Register Reference P125 IN 1/15
Page No 196
Parish Chapel Dymock

Suggesting Birth abt 1798 which suggests this is not our John ?

Unfortunately I cannot find any likely Burials at all for Martha after 1871 (I even wondered if the surname was spelt with a Z!, but of course not !)

The nearest I've found, searching all sp variations I can think of, is:

Entry Number 485
Year 1876
Month May
Day 10
Forenames Mary
Residence Dymock
Age at death 80 y[ea]rs
Officiating Minister J. G. Sale Off[iciating] Min[ister]
Event Burial
Cause of death
Register Reference P63 IN 1/7
Page No 61
Parish Chapel Bromsberrow

Right locality and age, but Mary ?? not Martha.
Is this possibly a Transcription error ?

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