Memorial inscriptions - church? (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Wednesday, August 29, 2012, 03:10 (4571 days ago) @ jevans

Hi again Jevans,

I presume you mean this Burial ?:

Record_ID: 88818
Entry_Number: 644
Year: 1864
Month: Jan
Day: 16
Surname: SMITH
Forenames: Richard
Residence: Hillersland Lodge
Age_at_death: 64
Officiating_Minister: John Burden Off:g Minr
Event: Burial
Register_Reference: P82 IN 1/13
Page_No: 81
Parish_Chapel: Christchurch
Soundex: S530

With any query it's always worthwhile searching this site, you might have found this related prior thread, by coincidence it was mentioned on a post earlier today

Christchurch is definitely the name of the Chapel, it's at Berry Hill. A quick Google shows this current site
If you click the tabs you'll find contact details and a map/satellite photo of it's Parish, you can see it's just south of Hillersland towards Coleford.

Google also found this site which has photos of the Church to help you find it


Re the Burial Record I always thought the quoted Register Reference numbers relate to the Plot number, perhaps indirectly by referring to the church's own plan ?.

Also while searching "Christchurch" on this site to help with this reply I found this transcription of the Memorial Inscription, did you find it ? Rather helpfully this quotes plot location, different numbers than the Register Reference so ??!

record_id 324
Location Row H
Reference Number 96
Type Headstone and kerb
Surname SMITH
First Name Richard
Day 14
Month Jan
Year 1864
Age 64
Details In Loving Memory of Richard Smith late of Mailscot Lodge who died Jan 14th 1864 aged 64 years Also of Mary Ann his wife who died Dec 5th 1889 aged 71 years Also of Elizabeth Smith his mother who died March 1st 1864 aged 93 years On other face of headstone
Parish Christchurch
Soundex S530

I hope this all helps, good luck searching. There's some photos of some Christchurch graves on this site in the Photos section, it all looks neat & tidy and not too overgrown like some sadly get, so hopefully you should be able to find this plot.


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